Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Natural Ways To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

 Are There Really Natural Ways To Relieve Stress And Anxiety?

Yep you bet there are!

When I first understood from the doctor that I was suffering from stress and anxiety which tailored itself in high blood pressure and cholesterol I thought to myself 'Oh no now I'm going to have to take tablets forever!'.

Luckily for me a good friend told me to find out about natural ways to relieve stress and anxiety without having to take any conventional medicine. To tell you the truth I WAS skeptical at first but I thought to myself 'What do I have to loose? - I'll give it a try'. And guess what? I've never looked back and thank Goodness my stress is now under control as well as the cholesterol and high blood pressure.

So Which Natural Ways To Relieve Stress And Anxiety Did I Try?

Well it was really a combination of things but basically the below points were the main ones that I made a real effort to implement into my lifestyle:

Tea - There are all kinds of great teas which are great for helping with stress and anxiety.

Organization - I got organized and prevented a lot of unnecessary extra stress in my life.

Hot Baths And Jacuzzi - This was a treat but helped me alot!

Music - I put on every day my greatest music hits which bring back great memories.

Laughter - I try to have a good old laugh at least a couple of times a day.

Helping Out The Less Fortunate - This helped me to realize just how lucky I am and to look on the positive side.

Enjoyable Hobbies - I made it a priority to do things that I enjoy a couple of times a week. A great stress reliever.

Excercise - I joined a gym and go there 3 times a week.

Sleep - I try to get enough sleep but at the same time not too much. I average about 7 hours a night and take an hours nap at noon time.

Time Limited Technology - I've started shutting down my smart phone from the early evening onwards and this has freed up LOADS of time! Much more than I could have imagined. Its amazing how much time we waste using technology! Not that we don't need it but we definitely need to control that beast in order to have quality time for other more important things in life.

Today I feel that all of the above points have helped me tremendously and I'm happy I made these changes to my life. Needless to say my family are all the better for it too!